The Park The echo of laughter is the first to go, Then the sovereign worship of the soul That holds out hands to help, not this Scurrilous abandonment of veins Into which I flush oblivions, Shifting through the debris of my life That be as it is, the image of my dead Father Colouring the mind. And am I happy, am I satisfied With what takes place, the hypodermics The pills, the dead heads, the talisman of jellies injected, the sores worse Than death which at least has endings? But words such as these are fashioned For the mind, blue with untruths. Littered about my body like flyers for those Wanted, my body assailed, my soul pissed But eager for conversation, the park at night Filled with shadows that could amount To anything, methadone, hypodermics That might take away the bland readiness Of the mind working, of the mind laud in situ, And now as the last trail of the moon steadies I lay down to sleep, the park benches Insecure as dreams of color and unsteadiness. Bringing provocation in, just one more sniff, One more needle as the shadows of the children's Slide turn into something prehistoric that might Tumble into dark, an image far too strong to imagine, Coming without first needing blessings, the lost Prayer answered without action but with the broad Smile of God edging inwards, until the truth hurts And I alone, sentence myself to death. John Cornwall