The Third Birthday Issue

Issue 37 : December 1998

Introducing a new publishing venture

For a Poet's Wunderkammer by L.Fullington

Snakeskin's first e-chapbook.

Gilles - Watteau

Barry Spacks & Lawrence E. Leone : Bumpers

C.E. Chaffin -The Terrapin Question

John Birkbeck - Baudelaire's Cat

Judy Smith McDonough - A Meditation on Scale

Judy Smith McDonough - Traveling through Glacier Country

Salvatore Buttaci - Animalspeek

John Cornwall - TV

John Cornwall - Heart Attack

Janet Kuypers - Reason to Stand

Linda Crespi - My life and times
(Uses DHTML. Only works properly on Internet Explorer 4)

Alan Papprill - Touring

Bruce Bentzman's
Suburban Soliloquy XII

The SNAKESKIN Archive contains plenty more poetry...

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