Penny - I've
read your note to Natters, as requested,
And she is more than somewhat interested.
"What is dzis Penn-yee?" she asks. (Pen, I
On paper hope to reproduce the chant
That she endows your name with.) I expound
What Penny's short for - then she starts to sound
Like Mystic Meg or something: "I am Circe!
You, Stan-Odysseus, be at my mercy.
You shall remain enchanted here with me
And never more desire Penelope."
Intoning, she begins a sinuous movement
That's of a quality beyond improvement.
I think our emails make her slightly jealous,
And that in turn has made her more than zealous
To please her Stan in every lovely way.
She shows herself a mistress, I must say,
Of charmingly eroticised invention.
More details, Pen, I think I'd best not mention.
Yours happily,