
When Answers Ask for Questions

Hanger or boxed?

It isn’t my fault if you park here and wait for God, collecting expired minutes and tickets you can’t pay.

Why a shoe horn?

I wear an everyday perfume, so in the future you’ll remember me when nothing special happens.

Where or where has my little dog gone? 

Bazooka is French for love gum, and I want some.

Why wasn't Rome built in a day?

The city’s name means “It’s a landmine, stupid.”

Did you screw her?

People mistake my kindness for winter.

What is the meaning of life?

We’re all confused as to why balloons have belly buttons, but this is Hollywood.

Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?

Dear underbelly, I’m sticky all over from smoking concrete.

Malaika King Albrecht, Deborah Blakely, and Michael Davye

Tzara pulled a poem out of his hat and caused a riot.  Some people pull a poem out of a pocket, and there’s a stampede for the nearest exit. Malaika ( and Deborah (, pulled the answers out of a sandwich bag, and then the questions out of Michael (

Deborah, Malaika, and Michael have never been in the same room together.
They have never been on the phone together. It's an email thing.

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