Snakeskin 256 - December 2018
Tom Vaughan
Boring People can be Right
Sharon Phillips
Quinta Essentia
Antony Owen
How to Find the Falkland Islands
The Bombing of Beautiful Birds
Tristan Moss
By the Bootstraps
Robin Helweg-Larsen
Thoughts and Losses
Mindy Watson
Heart of Blades
Alex Corrin-Tochibana
Japanese Office
Gareth Writer-Davies
The Train
Dan Burns
Write a Poem About It
Fiona Sinclair
An Old-Fashioned Stunner
Bold as Brass
Ceinwyn Haydon
Pissed Off
Rob Hodkinson
Fallopius Finds his Clitoris
Churchyard, Herefordshire
Jerome Betts
Oxen Revisited
D.A. Prince
and Bruce Bentzman encounters criminals in Paris
Snakeskin's plans
Snakeskin's archive
Snakeskin's experiments