Snakeskin 303:  February 2023 


Felicity Teague
Scarborough Thor

D.A. Prince
Bloody Valentines!

Susan Jarvis Bryant

Annie Fisher
Chalkie White Remembers Snow

Frank Brunner
Ballerina Arcana

Tom Vaughan
Winter Funeral, Guérande

Tristan Moss
Five Short Poems
Marc Alan Di Martino
Three Poems

David Callin
Abney Park


John F.B. Tucker
When F Left the Alphabet

Craig Dobson

George Simmers
The Old Man's Song of Class-Consciousness

Susan Wilson
Of Mice and Moths and Whining Taps

Mary Beth Hines
Old Lady Sweeping Snow

Robin Helweg-Larsen
Family Reunion

Dmitrie Anghel
At Dawn

Ceinwen Haydon

Covid, Ukraine, Climate

Bruce Bentzman
looks at the stars

Snakeskin's plans
Snakeskin's archive
Snakeskin's experiments