Snakeskin 255 - November 2018
Libraries & Bookshops

Eduardo Paolozzi's statue of Sir Isaac Newton, in the Piazza of the
British Library, St Pancras.

Tom Vaughan
On the Shelf

D. A. Prince
The Public Library
The Old...

Phil Wood
Shelf Life

David Callin
Brief Abduction

Pamela Sumners
Director of Memory Care

Gill McEvoy
In the Old Reading Room

Belinda Rimmer
The Librarian Returns

Mark Totterdell

Catherine Baker
Books in Hay

Ann Drysdale

Mindy Watson
Unforgotten Realms

Stewart Bartlam
Shaped by Books

Craig Dobson
In Praise of the Dewey Decimal Classification Edition 21

Richard Westcott
In the Library

Seth Crook
The Why of Hay-on-Wye



and Bruce Bentzman visits bookshops and libraries

Snakeskin's plans

Snakeskin's archive Snakeskin's experiments