Snakeskin 324:

D.A. Prince
These Days

Felicity Teague

Building Wall

Susan Jarvis Bryant
A Glitzy Villanelle

Annie Fisher
A New Year Almanac

R.G. Jodah
Found Proverbs #1

Clive Donovan
Recipe for Making Stew

Duncan Gillies MacLaurin
This Wagtail in Venice

Shalmi Barman
Flu Season

John Claiborne Isbell
Wool the Cat's Got

Arvilla Fee
An Unburdening

Martin Elster and
Joan Axelrod-Contrada
GPS Directions for Relationships

Don Wheelock
The Great Man, his Journal

Royal Rhodes
Doritos Inventor Buried with Chips

Kate Hill-Charalambides
Mind the Gap
Tom Vaughan
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

Jenna Le
Guilty Pleasures

George Simmers
The Invisible Man

Philip Dunkerley

Ad Nauseam

Candyce Lange
Cabbage Whites

Gill McEvoy
I dreamt of having
Odd One Out

Scott Taylor
just a touch of variance

Bruce Bentzman looks at the sky

Snakeskin's plans
Snakeskin's archive
Snakeskin's experiments