December 2011 - Number 182
Brian Edwards
In the Dictionary of Lesser-Known Collective Nouns
Darwin's Beard
Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival

Kevin Sharp
A Modest Proposal: Sestina

Thomas Land
If I Were a Bell

György Faludy
(translated by Thomas Land)
Café Flore

Kris Thain
The Ways I Guess I'll be Missing You

Philip Howard
Lydia Dwight Resurrected
The Road to Hull

L. Fullington
Dealing with Hard Times
Tristan Moss

Elizabeth Brazeal

Daniel Sluman
Love Song to a Tumour

Annette Volfing

Annette Kupke
Creation, Assembly Line

Richard Fein
Eye Witnesses

B. Z. Nidich
Walter Pater's Hour

Ben Parker
A Permeation

John Cornwall
A Passing Year
and the latest in Snakeskin's irregular series of e-chapbooks:

MacLaurin cover

I Sing the Sonnet

by Duncan Gillies MacLaurin

and Bruce Bentzman delivers his latest output From the Night Factory

Snakeskin's plans Snakeskin's archive Snakeskin's experiments